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Holographic Psychophysics

Holographic Universe

Holographic Universe

The holographic Universe is a hypothesis of the physical existence of the Universe as a model of the world of a holographic nature. This model is acceptable if we assume that the Universe has the form of a hypersphere, where each object, being a standing wave and located in a certain place in space, is simultaneously located at all points of the Universe (the principle of non-locality). These ideas have a deep ideological and methodological meaning. If all objects of the Universe (in a wave form hidden from the observer) are located at any point in space, then the phenomena of Clairvoyance and Far-Vision are understandable: it is enough to provide the necessary focusing at this point in space, which would allow the observer to detect wave structures of objects hidden at each point located on a great distance from him.

Holographic Psychophysics

Holographic psychophysics is a hypothesis of the mechanism of the functioning of the psyche that regulates human and animal behavior on the holographic principles of information processing. It is assumed that the hypothesis of quantum-wave coding of a sample carried out using the brain will allow to overcome the barrier of isomorphism and hieroglyphism in modern biology. Wave models of objects of the external world, recorded on the neuronal structures of the brain in the form of Holograms, can interact with real objects based on resonant field principles. This hypothesis was put forward by R.F. Avramenko.