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Party-Theater mode. Beauty Bio Net-25.

Party-Theater mode

Party-Theater mode

available since 2004

Party-Theater mode – type of the Biointernet trainings, level of complexity and the Biointernet Show.

Party-Theater mode – meta modeling structure and process

See also:

Clown Mask by Patch Adams

Masking technologies

Masking in Psychology

Theater of the Absurd

The Theater of the Absurd is a self-directing action aimed at destroying the meaning as such.

The Theater of the Absurd is an effective technology for neutralizing the mental constraints of development, a technology for overcoming the ban on the transformation of consciousness.

Limiters of the mental level, close a person on linear time, although it is known that a dense event period can be lived in a day, that it can seem equivalent in duration to a year.

So, using the technology of the Theater of the Absurd, and having maximally compacted (MiniMax mode) and diversified the event series of a person’s life, it becomes possible to make the life time multidimensional.

There will be a natural transition from existence in linear time to existence in non-linear, multidimensional time.

The multidimensional time of life reveals in a person the ability to perceive the experience of another’s life as his own, and here again we return to the effect of superconductivity.

A person gains the opportunity to experience life in several bodies at once.

Mystery Theater

The Mystery Theater is a directed action with elements of expert-operator technologies, where the game characters are people trained in immersion in altered states of consciousness (modes).

Where the audience participates in directing the plot, since the expert’s work in the Mystery consists in “reading” the information field of events at visibal levels – verbal, figurative-motor and at hidden levels – sensory and energetic.

The Mystery Theater is a whole complex of technologies of light-making, spirit-making and life-creating.

At the Mystery Theater, purposeful work is underway to restore the light-generating functions of the lens of the eye.

For this, various types of lighting are used, combinations of lights of different colors, intensely cleansing and resuscitating the functions of the lens.

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